Estonian Ambassador presented his credentials to the Organisation of American States


On Tuesday 14 May, the Estonian Ambassador to the Organisation of American States (OAS) Jonatan Vseviov presented his credentials to the Secretary General of OAS Luis Almagro.

“Considering the small representation of Estonia in Latin American countries, contacts with OAS provide Estonia with a better understanding of the developments in this part of the world and on the other hand, a better position for protecting our interests and promoting our positions. Estonia’s reputation as a successful e-state is remarkable in this part of the world, too, which creates opportunities for developing relations between countries as well as business links,” Vseviov said. “We are already cooperating in the field of improving cybersecurity. For example, the Information System Authority (Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet, RIA) and OAS signed a cooperation agreement in 2014, with RIA offering its knowledge and experiences to OAS member states,” the Ambassador added.

OAS is an organisation of 35 countries on the American continent and its general objectives include supporting democracy, human rights, security and development. Estonia has been an observer in OAS since 2002.

Jonatan Vseviov graduated from the University of Tartu with a degree in political science and went on to receive a master’s degree in security studies at Georgetown University. In 2004, Vseviov began working in the Political Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and moved on to become a political diplomat at the Estonian Embassy in Washington D.C. From 2008 to 2018, Vseviov worked at the Ministry of Defence, where he served as the Undersecretary for Defence Planning from 2014 to 2016 and as Secretary General from January 2016. Since August last year, Jonatan Vseviov has been the Estonian Ambassador to the United States.
